This post pertains strictly to the governing body of Hyrule which is, obviously, a monarchy. The Court is not the governing body, though all who occupy a position on the governing counsel also sit on the King's Court. Many people, however, sit on the court (such as the royal cup-bearer) and do not posses governing power.
The High Counsel plays the central royal in the government. It's comprised of the Royal Family, the Dukes, and the House of Polis. The individuals who make up this select counsel are the supreme decision making body of the land, with the King being the person with the final say in all law.
Ranking below the members of the High Counsel are the Barons and Marquees. They have governing authority over smaller regions (towns and villages) but are not members of the High Counsel, therefore do not have say in drafting legislature. They do, however, posses voting power when the King calls for it.
I. The Royal Family: pretty self explanatory, the King rules by divine right. They do not take a family name as they are considered the first family of the entire kingdom; therefore, they take the name Hyrule. Preside over the High Counsel.
- King Auberon Hyrule
- Princess Zelda Hyrule
II. The Dukes and Duchesses: Governors of the four provinces, highest governing authority for each of the regions, the titles are passed down through families, (however in the case of a family having no heir the King appoints a new Duke or Duchess), and they comprise the 2nd third of the High Counsel
- Faron Provence: Lord Gustaf Kinsey de Vaux and Lady Evelyn Bramley de Vaux
- Eldin Provence: Lord Darunia, Big Boss of the Goron
- Lanayru Provence: Lord Orrin, King of the Zora
- Gerudo Provence: Lady Nabooru of the Gerudo
III. Hose of Polis: Critical decision making body, appointed by the King, titles are not inherited, comprise the last third of the High Council
- Minister of Domestic Affairs: Chancellor Casimir Dominique Uther
- Minister of Foreign Affairs: Chancellor Abner Marsden Tarquin
- High Priest: His High Holiness Faisal Asketil Aloysius
- Grand Master of the Hylian Royal Army: Sir Carnell Sigourney Bourdekin
IV. Barons (Baronesses) and Marquees (Marchionesses): Govern a town or village and report to the respective Duke or Duchess of his or her region. They can be appointed by either the King or a Duke and the titles are hereditary. Control of a Barony is typically granted for outstanding military merit while Marquees are appointed for political reasons. They only pertain to Hylian settlements (No Zora, Gerudo, or Goron) because the other races have their own method of government (Each race is represented on the High Counsel though)
- Faron Provence
- Baron of Ordon: Lord Kelton Langston Ackerley and his wife Lady Robyn Merewald Ackerley
- Marchioness of Ashleigh: Lady Shelby Hammond d'Auvrecher
- Eldin Provence
- Marchinoness of Kakriko: Lady Impa (yes that Impa)
- Lanayru Proncence
- Baron of Kenton: Lord Badrick Zenith Beckett and his wife Lady Gytha Bourdekin Beckett
- Baron of Remington: Lord Rhett Duvall Spencer and his wife Lady Vivian Payton Spencer
- Marquee of Euell: Lord Blythe Atherton Bauquemar and his with Lady Nerida Lorica Bauquemar
- Gerudo Provence: none, no Hylian settlements